Sandwiches are great for so many reasons. They're portable, easy to assemble, and crazy, crazy good. Give me a sandwich any time of day - breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacktime - and I'm a happy little lady.
2slicesgluten-free breador bread of your choosing, lightly toasted
2tablespoonshummusI used this recipe
5 - 6slicesof fresh zucchinicucumber would also work
4ozgoat cheese
4slicesfresh tomato
1/4lbabout 5 - 6 slices turkey meat (or deli meat of your choice)
Salt & red pepper to taste
Spread 1 tablespoon hummus on each slice of bread. Top with zucchini and sprinkle with goat cheese. Add tomatoes and turkey meat and garnish with sprouts. Sprinkle with salt and hot pepper.